As I am sitting trying to piece this, "About Me" article together, I stare a while at the sticky note in front of me that reads...
Galatians 5:1 "Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you!" I think to myself, this could be my life's verse
Six years ago I wouldn't have been able to tell you the turns I was headed into, the lessons I have had to learn and the growth I painfully have had to face in myself. I am finding out that each decade I enter into has it's theme...
My twenties were trying to establish who I am, finding my career path, creating the avenue of service were I am valued and helpful. My thirties have been re-learning who I am, establishing a more meaningful definition of what IS valuable!...wait a minute, guess the only thing that is changing is the urgency.
Why Crossfit? Why I Love It!
Crossfit is painful! In today's world we want crowns without crosses, beauty without ashes. BUT suffering has a redemptive purpose. The pain in a WOD may last for two days, the pains that life can bring may last for seasons, but if daily I do crossfit and progress in my WOD's it creates confidence I will be victorious in life. I trust more that God IS bring me into His purpose and plan.
People leave you, finances get over-whelming, and transition takes much longer than you want it to, but suffering is the price of advancement!! NOT SELF PRESERVATION! You don't get to true joy (victory) without the scares of pain. I call it Painful Discipleship, whether it's to your trainer or your creator, submit yourself to painful discipleship.
I am 37 years young. I have spent the last sixteen years of my life learning, coaching, inspiring, motivating and challenging people to get healthy, feel better and love themselves.
I have been a competitor in a professional circuit (IFBB Figure) and collegiate association (Georgetown College Basketball).
What I know with the experience I have gained is
*No one can help you if you don't want to get better. I mean...become a better version of you.
*When you want it...RUN to a community of people that help you take your stand!
*Stop holding on to the dead. Stop looking back at what you've lost; only ahead to what you gain.
We are meant to live free - YOU have to take your stand - YOU are the only one the enslaves you to _____________. (fill in the blank)
It's out of the "ashes" (pain) that beauty starts to form. The true miracle is that people will follow THAT beauty. They just follow and they don't know why. They want what they see to be good. And you have become a living example of God's redeeming plan, a leader pointing the way!